SUBJECT: Outsourcing Lesson #3 - Ways To Outsource {!firstname_fix} In today's lesson we will be talking about finding ways to outsource for your business. I am assuming that since you signed up for this short course that you have been considering outsourcing but chances are that you don't know what parts of your business you should outsource and have little or no idea where to start? Well you will be glad to know that in almost every business there is the opportunity to outsource at least a few of the general tasks performed. In some businesses there may be the possibility of outsourcing the majority of the common tasks while in other businesses there may only be the opportunity to outsource one or two of the common tasks. In either case outsourcing can result in a lightened workload as well as an increase in profit. The first step in finding ways to outsource is to take a really close look at the daily activities you perform when tending to your business. Make a list of each of these activities and note any related activities that are typically performed in conjunction with each other. Making this note is important because activities which are typically performed together should either be outsourced together or remain as in-house activities together to maintain the highest level of efficiency. Once you have compiled this list of activities, carefully consider which activities can easily be performed by another person and which activities require your personal attention. This will give you a good idea of which activities you could outsource and which activities would not be good opportunities for outsourcing. Finally, review your list of activities and note how long it takes you to perform each of the activities you could outsource. This information will be helpful later if you decide to search for a candidate to complete these tasks. After you have carefully examined your daily activities, it is time to prioritize these activities. Create a comprehensive list of all of your daily activities in their order of importance. For this list include both the activities requiring your personal attention and the activities which can be outsourced. When you make your decision to start outsourcing some of your daily tasks, start with the highest priority on the list which you believe can be outsourced. Attempt to outsource this task as a test to determine whether or not outsourcing will work for you. If you decide you are comfortable with outsourcing and that it is working for your business, you can continue down the prioritized list attempting to find those capable of handling your daily activities. We have already discussed the importance of evaluating your own daily tasks in the process of finding ways to outsource but it is also important to consider tasks completed by your staff members. Administrative tasks are often tasks which can be outsourced so examining these tasks will give you a good idea if you can increase the efficiency of your administrative assistance by outsourcing some of their responsibilities. Activities such as data entry, transcription and other activities often handled by personal assistance are all example of activities which can easily be outsourced. Additionally, there is a great deal of qualified candidates available to fulfill these tasks. The industry of virtual personal assistants has become a booming industry with many savvy entrepreneurs offering their skills in these areas as a consultant. Before starting to outsource daily activities, you should develop a plan for managing all of your outsourced activities. This plan should include the following: - Method for selecting candidates to handle outsourced work - Method for overseeing work performed by independent contractors - Method for evaluating the work performed by independent contractors Once you have your plan in place you will want to start looking for professionals that you can hire to outsource your work to. The best place to get outsourcing professionals is on online job sites. Here are a few places that you can begin your search in no particular order. oDesk - eLance - GetAFreelancer - EUFreelance - Guru - PeoplePerHour - LimeExchange - RentACoder - GetACoder - ScriptLance - On each of these sites you will find various job categories. When you have a particular work requirement, all you do is post your project in the relevant job category and people who are interested in accomplishing the task for you will apply and make their bids for the job. While each site is different the concept is simple, and because the people who apply are genuinely looking for work you can be sure that you will receive plenty of capable applicants to choose from. That's it for today's lesson. In your next lesson we will be talking about how to outsource business tasks without being taken advantage of in the process. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK