SUBJECT: Hub Page Traffic Lesson #6 - Traffic To Your Hub {!firstname_fix} Welcome to the sixth lesson of my seven-part crash course on Hubpages and how you can use Hubpages to be successful in generating traffic, greater sales, and exposure! To get your “Hub” moving up on the internal ranking system there are many ways to generate traffic. For example, commenting on other blogs or pages is an important way to generate traffic and increase your “authority” or your “legitimacy” in the community. You can also participate in forums and discuss with other likeminded writers or Hub creators. values your participation and provides you extra hub points. Something to keep in mind: Make sure that when you participate in forums or when you post comments on other hubs, you are not simply selling or pushing your own product. We hope that you have found this information interesting! Stick around tomorrow for our last e-Course email where we will talk about generating even more traffic for your site! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK