SUBJECT: Hub Page Traffic Lesson #4 - Monetizing Your Hub Pages {!firstname_fix} Welcome to the fourth lesson of my seven-part crash course on Hubpages and how you can use Hubpages to be successful in generating traffic, greater sales, and exposure! As previously mentioned, you can generate money on any of your Hub page on just about any subject. Now we also discussed making money through revenue sharing program with eBay, Amazon, or Kontera. However, you can generate further income through What is ClickBank? Well, it’s an affiliate system that allows affiliates to promote products. allows you to select various products and promote them on your Hubpages! This is an amazing way to make money! We discuss more opportunities to make money through and we intend to show you how! We hope you enjoyed this e-Course on how to make money with Hubpages. Stick around, because tomorrow we will be sharing hot to make Hub! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK