SUBJECT: Hub Page Traffic Lesson #1 - What are Hubpages? {!firstname_fix} Welcome to the firts lesson of my seven-part crash course on Hubpages and how you can use Hubpages to be successful in generating traffic, greater sales, and exposure! Just what are Hub pages? A “Hub” page is essentially a webpage that you can create on any topic you wish. So, for example, if you have an interest in golf, swimming, or if you have website you would like to promote, developing Hubpages are excellent way to increase your traffic! Once you get your free account with, you are free to just about anything! You can rant, you can rave, or you can share your opinions about the products you love and share it with the world! Hubpages are well-ranked among Google’s search engine, meaning that whatever you write about is probably going to get look at. The Hubpages system allows you to add photos, videos, RSS feeds, links, text, polls, comments and other great things. Once you publish your work, you will have a great page can not only drive your traffic ranking up, it will allow you make money too! In our next lesson we'll discuss the Hubpage Terminology. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK