FREE Download! 25-Step Firesale Plan (for cash on demand...) A flash sale is a great way to generate a lot of sales and excitement in a very short period of time. The best way to do this is to plan it several weeks out, bring in your marketing partners to promote the event, and build anticipation among your prospects. How do you do that? By following this 25-point checklist. 1. Define a Goal 2. Pick An In-Demand Offer 3. Choose a Date 4. Decide on Your Sale Offer 5. Determine How Long It Will Run 6. Create Marketing Materials 7. Inform Existing Partners of the Upcoming Sale 8. Recruit And Inform New Marketing Partners 9. Take Care Of the Tech Aspects 10. Prepare Customer Service 11. Test and Track Sales Copy 12. Prepare Your Own Emails and Blog Posts 13. Create A Video 14. Prepare Facebook Ads 15. Purchase Ads on High-Traffic Niche Sites 16. Start a Buzz on Social Media 17. Inform Payment Processor 18. Set Up Backend Offers 19. Remind Partners Of Upcoming Sale 20. Send Out Emails To Your List 21. Email The Night Before 22. Upload The Offer Page 23. Test The Entire Sales Process 24. Send Out Sale Day Materials 25. Publish Last Chance Materials Download directly from the link below: To Your Success! YOUR NAME Your Online Teacher. P.S. Don't forget you can now get instant access to PLR content to brand them as your own, edit in your links, insert affiliate recommendations, cross-promote with other products, use as front-end offers to widen your sales funnel plus so much more! YOUR LINK?l=1